Latest Vacancies
Contracts Manager (Highways)
Location: Isle of Wight...
Duration: Permanent...
Hours: 40 hours per we...
Salary: £48 - 55,000 p...
HR Assistant
Location: Newport, Isle o...
Duration: Permanent...
Hours: 25 hours per we...
Salary: £25-29,000 per...
Location: Ryde, Isle of W...
Duration: Permanent...
Hours: 40 hours per we...
Salary: £38-45,000 per...
Traffic Management Operative ( on hold)
Location: Isle of Wight...
Duration: immediate start...
Hours: 39 hours per we...
Salary: Dayshift: 11.44...
Street Cleansing Operative
Location: Isle of Wight...
Duration: Immediate start...
Hours: 5.30/ 6.30am - ...
Salary: £11.44 per hou...
360 Excavator Driver/Highways Operative
Location: Isle of Wight...
Duration: ongoing tempora...
Hours: 40 hours per we...
Salary: £12.48 - 13.04...
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Candidate Feedback:
“WP Recruitment presented me with a great opportunity which I am really grateful for. I have always received great friendly, informative communication and interviews in the field I wanted to work. I secured a job and which led to an extended contract. Thank you for the stepping stone, advice and building my confidence to support me”. – Martha