The purpose of this page is to assist you in your search for suitable employment. The following sections provide advice for the complete job search process, starting from scratch and may be useful to read through to ensure you are fulfilling the process to the best of your ability, however if you only require assistance in a specific area please chose the appropriate heading;

What is my current situation (availability for work)?

You need to be realistic as to the amount of work you can or need to commit to under your personal circumstances and be as open minded as possible as to location, type and level within your capabilities and the availability of work in the search area.

Where am I now – where do I want to be?

Are your looking to work within the same type of role or industry as your previous experiences or are you seeking a change and in which case you will need to be rational in how you will get there; if you need to undertake training, go into the role at a lower level or if there are other roles which would be useful as a stepping stone for a future career goal.

It is easy to forget what exactly you do at work ( or in voluntary and community roles which may also give you relevant skills) as in most cases you complete tasks on such a regular basis it becomes second nature. This is your opportunity to analyse your transferable skills (particularly useful if you are looking to move role or industry), what do you do each day from the moment you enter the workplace to the moment you leave, what do you do in addition to your own role either on a relief basis or on an ad-hoc basis assisting others, how would your duties, responsibilities and skills relate to other roles? This is useful information to consider when compiling your CV.

It can be quite difficult to assess transferrable skills as you are so close to the subject, sometimes it is easier to be objective by taking a step back.

As part of candidate registration with our agency we undertake personal stocktaking by going through their employment history and identifying transferable skills from their responsibilities and duties, as well as taking into account their individual specifications (covered above).

Do I have skills and/or qualifications that would transfer to other roles or industries?