Mental Health in the Workplace Resources

Working Well

In recognition of 2019 being their 30th year of successfully supplying temporary, contract and permanent staff to businesses across the Island, instead of throwing a party, WP decided to give back, they started in January by donating a defibrillator to the local community and in July coordinated and delivered Working Well, a free event that raised awareness and promoted Positive Mental Health in the Workplace.

They invited around 120 local employers, many of whom have limited HR Resources to attend presentations by Kate Golding, Consultant Nurse and Mental Health First Aid England Practitioner and Kathy Chillistone, Founder of KCHR with over 20 years HR experience. The event also covered real life Case Study scenarios in the aim of creating a best practice environment and involved Action Planning in order to assist local businesses review current or implement new policies and procedures.

Local businesses also had the opportunity to network with all the local mental health support organisations in order to raise their awareness as to what services were available on the Island to assist them in signposting and supporting staff.

They also heard from Matt Greg the Founder of Nosy Design on his own experiences and the impact Social Media has on Mental Health. Matt also Kindly took photographs of the event.

WP would like to continue to raise awareness of Mental Health in the Workplace and therefore this webpage is dedicated to provide contact details to support organisations and links to further resources:

Introduction to Local Support Organisations:

Working Towards Wellbeing:

Since 2009 “Working Towards Wellbeing” has been commissioned by the IWCCG to provide an employment service through Osel Enterprises Ltd and have been actively working within the Community Mental Health Teams, the IAPTS Team and with individuals referred by their GPs. 1 in 4 people experience mental ill health at some point in their lives and it is the number one reason people have time off work. Our experienced Employment Advisors support those with mental ill health by helping them return to their work, find new employment, volunteer or to undertake training. Our person centred approach means that the right support is given at the right time and can include support for employers with recruitment or job retention.


Two Saints:

Our Safe Haven service in Newport, Isle of Wight, provides a safe space for people experiencing mental health crisis.  Support from our staff and volunteers can be accessed by telephone, email or face to face during evenings, weekends and bank holidays.

Opening hours: Monday – Friday 5pm to 10pm Weekends and bank holidays 10am to 10pm

Contact information: Safe Haven, 7 High Street , Newport, PO30 1UD

Telephone: 01983 520168    Email:


Isorropia Foundation:

Isorropia Foundation is a non-profit wellbeing service that was founded in 2018 on the Isle of Wight. Our purpose is to bridge gaps that exist in our social and healthcare services and help the most vulnerable to cultivate happier, healthier and more productive lives.

We can advise on how to make your workplace friendly to people with mental and physical issues including provide staff training to assist them in accommodating individuals.

We can provide volunteers and work experience participants, including oversight and training.

We can provide positive PR that showcases organisations pioneering equal opportunities policy and help you become a cornerstone of the community, supporting the most vulnerable and elevating the whole Island.


Occupational Health and Travel Clinic (IOW NHS)

The workplace has a significant impact on people’s health and well-being. Poor management of workplace health can lead to work-related ill health and high levels of sickness absence.

Occupational Health Isle of Wight has provided Health and Travel services to the NHS, businesses and the general public for over 25 years.

The multi-disciplinary team provides a wealth of experience and knowledge across a wide range of employment settings. We can arrange to visit your place of work to carry out Work Related Health Assessments and Immunisations as well as providing Sickness Absence Management services. Opening hours:  Monday-Friday 0830-1600

Contact information:  Ground Floor, Holly House, South Block, St Marys Hospital, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 5TG

Tel: 01983 534209   Email:


Department of Work and Pensions

Jobcentre Plus forms part of the Department for Work & Pensions.  Our aim is to support people in to work and pay benefits to those that are unable to work. One of the government’s main priorities is to close the disability employment gap supporting more people with a health condition or disability in to work and helping them ensure that the work is sustainable.  With regards to mental health there is a lot we can help you with as an employer.  Please see the link below to help you become a ‘Disability Confident’ employer.


People Matter IW

People Matter IW (PMIW) is the Island’s user-led organisation. Its primary aim is to support Island residents to shape, direct and manage the support and services they need to live the life they choose, by providing information, advice and guidance on services available across the IOW via its website and the Independent Living Centre (ILC).

PMIW is a member organisation, welcoming anyone who defines themselves as having support needs, or organisations that support people with support needs – including disabilities (temporary or permanent), people with mental health concerns, family carers and people in receipt of personal budgets, as well as those that fund their own care.

Please see our website for the services we provide, all our projects are based at the following address and can be contacted on the number below:
1-2 Bernard Way, Newport, Isle of Wight PO30 5YL, the Centre is open between 10.00 and 16.00 hrs Monday through to Thursday and opens between 10.00-13.00 hrs on Fridays.

Telephone: : 01983 241494 (There is an answerphone covering any out of hours enquiries.)



Further Web Resources